Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Empty chairs and empty tables

 The ghosts of yesterday's laughter linger quietly

As threads of friendships warm and embracing envelope these chairs

Last night these tables saw a celebration of life

where food was bountiful 
and wine and mirth ran freely. 

 How eagerly we greet the chance to meet 
....  the chance to eat 
.... the chance to nourish our souls

with friendships old and new
as we share our days and minds

And sit ....

.... at once empty chairs and empty tables.


  1. What a warm and eloquent post Frannie.
    Here's to sharing a meal with friends.
    Belinda x

    1. And here's to sharing a meal with you too dear Belinda - and soon please? Thank you F x

  2. I also take photos of tables and chairs but have never had a thought clever enough to put them together with story in a post. . .well done!! Jx

    1. They always remind me of the song "Empty chairs at empty tables" from Les Misérables. A beautiful song of friendships past. Glad you liked them - would love to see your chairs and tables one day. Fx

  3. Molto bello. A little sad as summer finishes and all is on hold till the next...xx

    1. It's just beginning here Niki - high humidity and into the late 30's early 40's next couple of days - ugh too early for this! Baci xx

  4. Here's to sitting again on those empty chairs in Elounda. Let's not wait too long - beautiful pictures and sentiments. Love

  5. great idea for a post because they do look inviting as do that gorgeous water and weather!

  6. Such colours, can only be Greece. Wonderful pictures.

  7. How beautiful! And how I miss the water! The season is turning here too - this morning I saw snow on the mountains and the temperature is heading downward. Better that way though. Wet muddy autumn can be a little depressing. I prefer brisk, real cold. And snow!! Xcat

  8. How lovely!! I wish I were there, right now...and thank you for visiting me and joining Dress.


I love reading your comments - so please feel free to add something. Thank you! F x


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